Friday, May 13, 2011

Who Receives the Blessing?

--a reflection, written by Annie Nichols, a HALO Cafe volunteer

I just wanted to share with you all what an amazing week I have had at the Cafe.  Volunteering at the Cafe has become like church for me!  I can hardly wait for my days to work there!  I usually CM (cafĂ© manager) on Monday nights with the Monday Night Maniacs crew.  I will however fill in when they need someone at the last minute, and this was one of those weeks.

Tuesday night I had the pleasure of working with Jeffrey for the first time and we concocted the most amazing dinner! During the clean up, one of my volunteers called me to the back saying there was a man there who needed to discuss the Bible with someone.  Who me???? I looked around. Yep, she was talking to me!  So I had the privilege of this homeless man witnessing to me the most amazing spiritual experience he had had where he heard a voice telling him to "seek Ecclesiastes."  He wanted to know what that meant. I had just been reading in Ecclesiastes, so I shared with him some badly paraphrased passages and we talked about the book and what it meant. He was crying and scared because it had moved him so deeply. I told him there was NO question in my mind whatsoever that God had really spoken to him. He said to me that it was a mighty scary thing because it was such a huge responsibility. I told him indeed it was and he needed to hold on to that and pass it on. He came back in the cafe Friday night and told me he had read Ecclesiastes this week!!

Then last night I had the honor of working with a youth group from Delaware…about 20 young people all wanting to help out.... all at the same time!!!!! It was an incredible evening. Those young people just jumped right in. Several of them had brought guitars and bongo drums and during their singing, one of our guests joined them and started playing his harmonica. I have never heard sweeter music!!  I had several guests come up to me and say it was one of the best nights at the Cafe ever!!  I doubt many of them get to interact with young teens much and these kids were so open and friendly. It was an absolute pleasure.
There is no way to describe the joy I feel every time I walk in the Cafe to serve. I have made wonderful friends, been humbled and inspired, exhausted and energized! What I put into my service there is minuscule to what I receive.

There is no better way to feel God's power at work than by serving Him and that is not just lip service. That is a true statement made by His very humble servant. He patiently waited for 58 years for me to receive Him and now He is blessing me in ways I would never in my wildest dreams have expected. The day I turned my life over to Christ was the beginning of an amazing journey. I hope each of you brings someone on board with us; I hope each of you gets renewed as I do by being there; this gift is far too precious not to share with others.  It's the best drug there is.

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